Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Renminbi bank account

Jim Rogers was among the first group of ten holders of the Renminbi-Singapore dollar card issued on Monday.

Rogers said his first visit China was in 1984, and he opened his first Renminbi bank account in 1999. "I will use this card tomorrow," said Rogers.


All bubbles go up farther than you expect

Jim Rogers : “I hope I’m smart enough to own commodities until the bull market ends. Nearly all bull markets end in bubbles, and I hope I’m smart enough to recognize the signs.”
“What will probably happen is that I will sell my commodities, and they’ll double again, then I’ll sell them short, then they’ll double again because all bubbles go up farther than you expect,” he says. “And then, if I don't get wiped out, they’ll fall and I’ll make some money.” in CNBC

My children

Jim Rogers “I thought children were a terrible waste of time, energy, money – I felt sorry for my friends who had children,” he says. “I thought it was something I would never do. I was terribly wrong. They are so much fun.”