Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Bearish on American education

Jim Rogers : “I'm short American technology, Europe and emerging markets,”

“I'm also bearish on American education, but I haven't figured out how to short Princeton.” - in Market Watch

Bond portfolio managers should start looking for a different line of work

Jim Rogers : “The 30-year bull market in bonds is about to come to an end,” “Bond portfolio managers should start looking for a different line of work.” - in Marketwatch

The U.S. dollar has started fading as the world's reserve currency

“The U.S. dollar has started fading as the world's reserve currency,” Rogers said, assailing what he called the U.S. government's de facto policy of devaluation. “However, the dollar could get a temporary boost if the government allows U.S. companies to repatriate their overseas cash without onerous taxation,” - in Marketwatch