Monday, April 29, 2013

Gold: A 50 Percent Retracement Is Not Unusual

"If it gets to $1,200, I hope that I’m smart enough to buy even more. If it gets to $1,100, I hope I’m smart enough to buy even more. Speak to the chartists...the technicians...and look at the retracements, or whatever they call them. A 50 percent retracement is not unusual. A 60 percent retracement is not unusual. You can do the same math that I can. You can figure out what a 40 percent, 50 percent or 60 percent retracement would mean for someone." - in Money Australia

Jim Rogers is a bestselling author, financial commentator and successful international investor. Rogers was a co-founder of the Quantum Fund (considered to be the first truly international fund of its kind) and is the creator of the Rogers International Commodities Index (RICI).

Inflation: I See Prices Have Gone Up For Just About Everything

"I do know that governments keep telling us prices are down – at least, the U.S. government does. But many governments acknowledge that there's inflation, including India, China, Taiwan, Norway and Australia. I find it very peculiar that so many places in the world have inflation, but there's no inflation in the United States. When I'm in the United States, I see prices have gone up for just about everything – except maybe in housing. So it's peculiar to me that they keep telling us there's no inflation. Look at education, look at medical care, look at insurance, and look at entertainment. I don't know if you've been to baseball game or the theater or anything recently, but these prices are up, although they say that they aren't – or, at least the U.S. government does." - in LewRockwell

Jim Rogers is a bestselling author, financial commentator and successful international investor. Rogers was a co-founder of the Quantum Fund (considered to be the first truly international fund of its kind) and is the creator of the Rogers International Commodities Index (RICI).

Jim Rogers Most Optimistic About The Agriculture Sector

"I'm most optimistic, fundamentally, about the agriculture sector. But some of the others are intriguing, too. I mean, natural gas is 70 percent below its all-time high. Some of the base metals are far down from their all-time highs. With agriculture, you know, we've consumed more than we've produced for the last 10 years or so. So, inventories are near historic lows, which means that – if something goes wrong – we're going to have serious problems. And even if something goes right, you've got to replenish the inventories." - in LewRockwell

Jim Rogers is a bestselling author, financial commentator and successful international investor. Rogers was a co-founder of the Quantum Fund (considered to be the first truly international fund of its kind) and is the creator of the Rogers International Commodities Index (RICI).