Sunday, August 28, 2011

The world is going through a historic shift again from the US to Asia

Jim Rogers : No, not at all. The world has been going through big changes like this throughout history. In the '20s and '30s, the world moved from the UK to America exacerbated by a financial crisis and mistakes made by politicians. The world is going through a historic shift again from the US to Asia exacerbated by a financial crisis and mistakes made by politicians. Justin, the world has been going on for a few thousand years and there have always been big changes and adjustments. At some times in history, the financials types have been in charge; at other times in history the people who produced real goods have been in charge. It's the way the world has always worked. The key of course is to figure out what's coming next and go there. Become a Chinese farmer, that's what you should do, Justin. - in BBC News

Jim Rogers is a bestselling author, financial commentator and successful international investor. Rogers was a co-founder of the Quantum Fund (considered to be the first truly international fund of its kind) and is the creator of the Rogers International Commodities Index (RICI).