Jim Rogers graduated from Yale University and has a degree in philosophy, politics and economics from Oxford University. Jimmy Rogers became a Wall street legend when he and George Soros founded the Quantum Fund.After his career as a hedge fund manager and investor,Jim Rogers now periodically teaches finance at Columbia University, and appears regularly on the CNBC Cable Network.
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
👉Jim Rogers on Bitcoin , Silver , Gold, Farmland, The Economy and Much Much More...
👉Jim Rogers on Bitcoin , Silver , Gold, Farmland, The Economy and Much Much More...
Jim Rogers on Bitcoin , Silver , Gold, Farmland, The Economy and Much Much More... Jim Rogers is an American investor and financial commentator based in Singapore. Rogers is the Chairman of Beeland Interests, Inc. He was the co-founder of the Quantum Fund and Soros Fund Management. He was also the creator of the Rogers International Commodities Index (RICI)
Jim Rogers is a bestselling author, financial commentator and successful international investor. Rogers was a co-founder of the Quantum Fund (considered to be the first truly international fund of its kind) and is the creator of the Rogers International Commodities Index (RICI).
Saturday, June 27, 2020
👉The Stock Market is a Gigantic Ponzi Scheme Owned by The Fed !!
👉The Stock Market is a Gigantic Ponzi Scheme Owned by The Fed !!
Since interest rates are so low, the only place to make any money is in the stock market. That's what driving the high multiples and the stock market bubble. People have the feeling that the Fed is not going to let the market fail, so they keep buying stocks. This is not good. The manipulation such as the rock bottom interest rates and QE Infinity by the Fed is propping up a market that should have fallen a long time ago. The $2.2 trillion welfare bill to corporations (oops, I mean stimulus) had everything to do with this stock market bubble. Taxpayers got 300 billion of that, but corporations got $1.9 trillion to buy their own stock and pay their CEOs bonuses. The Fed is propping up the stock market. The Fed bought the market. They are now buying stocks of companies to keep them solvent. This isn't good. We are now worse than the Weimar Republic. The market's disconnect from reality, coupled with its irrational exuberance, makes for a decline we have not seen since Herman Minsky's writing of the 1920s. Without Fed intervention, this market probably would have fallen to 5,000. The question is, how long will the Fed buy the market and at what cost. The market has become so divorced from reality that it has entered the realm of absurdity. How can anyone expect a meaningful profit when retail and manufacturing are operating at 25% capacity? Four million people are not paying their mortgages! That's just residential mortgages. The commercial is a whole other story. Consumers are broke. They owe 7% of every dollar earned over the next 20 years to debt payment. It's all bull, and if the virus keeps spiking, lookout. Right now, it's just a short squeeze. It is a toxic atmosphere. All of the fundamentals and natural market forces are thrown out the window. The fundamentals are gone. There is no reason to be optimistic about earning when we already know that businesses will be crippled for many months to come. Earnings for many quarters will be terrible, guaranteed. So that argument that things are already factored in and that the market is an indication of the future is completely bogus. Let's call it like it is. The Fed bought the market, and now you have investors being reckless because they think they can never lose because they will always be backed by the Fed. That's not capitalism at all. That's pure manipulation and speculation. It has nothing to do with market forces and fundamentals. It has everything to do with people being reckless and feeling extremely confident that they can't lose because they will always be backed by the Fed. It's like going to the high roller table at a Vegas casino, and no matter how much you lose, you keep getting credit from the casino and you keep getting comped (free luxury penthouse suite, free food, free drinks, free shows, free transportation, free everything) no matter what. And imagine that the gambler never has to pay the casino back because the credit keeps coming over and over again. You know what that is? That's artificial. That's unsustainable. It can't work in the long run. There always comes a time when everyone must pay. And eventually, we will pay. We will pay. It's only a matter of time before this market drops like a bag of potatoes. Large investors have been holding up the market, so all the useful idiots keep their cash invested there! When they suddenly pull out of a market where there are few companies doing well, and the rest are sloshing along with.Bye-bye market! And with 1/4 of your workforce out of work, the demand side of the economy is crippled, and companies will not hire until they are making money again. If you don’t see the inevitability of the coming collapse, just keep your head in the sand. The Stock Market is a Ponzi Scheme that only Exists to Fool Americans into thinking; All is well. When in fact, it's ALL Criminally Corrupt and about to FAIL, leaving them in a world of HURT with a Failed currency, no food, no safety net, no jobs, and a pandemic to deal with! All Thanks to the Criminals that destroyed the US Economy & Financial Systems by INTENT. Hell is waiting and getting nearer every hour. I think they are going to tank the market in October, just in time for the election. It is almost as if the US stock markets had been primed by Federal Reserve intervention over the previous 5+ years, and someone let the monster out of the cage. The deregulation, changes to tax structures, and general perception of market opportunity changed almost immediately after the November 2016 elections and really never looked back. The Federal Reserve was created as an illusion for the masses. The mega-wealthy men who created the FED realized they would soon own nearly everything of value, so a way was needed to create an illusion of perpetual prosperity for an ever-expanding population desiring ever-more resources. Thus, the FED created to print a never-ending source of imaginary money based on nothing so the masses could continue buying something. That's why it did not matter when the National Deficit hit 1 trillion dollars years ago, nor will it matter when it hits 100 trillion dollars in due course. How can there be actual debt on an imaginary construct? Of course, there are two separate monetary systems: sovereign and mass. We, the people, are all members of the mass. Our dollar debts are actual dollar debts that must be repaid. Not so with sovereign debt. The FED will print; however, much is needed to keep the illusion going. So The US politicians pass an AID BILL, which is to BAIL OUT the STOCK MARKET, with money from the FEDERAL RESERVE, which in reality, the FED is buying up the US while charging the money printed to the US. When a bank issues a mortgage, they charge you to use their money while they are the owner until the debt is paid. The US now owes 26 trillion dollars, But in reality, it is more like 125 trillion dollars, which leaves each taxpayer on the hook for $811,000. This U.S. National Debt consists of: debt held by the public. Intragovernmental holdings, including debt held by Social Security and Medicare trust funds. But it does not include total unfunded Social Security and Medicare promises. The FED was never intended to buy up anything other than the US government's debt. They are a Criminal PONZI Scheme which will FAIL and take DOWN the Entire US Economy with them. All by design. Welcome back to The Atlantis Report. You are here for your daily dose of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Please take a second to smash that like button. And as You know friends, google has demonetized this channel, so now I rely totally on your donations to keep this channel functional, as you know it takes a crazy amount of research and time to bring you this content on a daily basis, so I hope you consider helping with whatever donation you can afford. Thank You. Currently, the bonds are not paying anything meaningful, so the money is flowing into the stock market. Just raise interest rates and see how fast this bubble will burst. Shower wall street with money. The brokers. CEO's and board of directors and some insiders steal from everyone. Then when the market crashes, the taxpayers bail them. None of the criminals go to jail. The greatest country on earth.But only for the super-rich. Tax cuts for corporations allowed them to buy back stocks, which drove up the values and CEO compensation. In the meantime, many paid zero in federal taxes. Amazon is one example - whereby they profited 11 billion in both 2018 and 2019...without paying a dime in federal taxes. In the meantime, the Feds have been buying the risk repeatedly. And you can't leave out the Feds lowering interest rates four times in 12 months (January 2019-January 2020). Now the rates are nearly zero percent. When you can borrow money for next to nothing and pay no federal taxes, you're going to put that money somewhere - hence stock valuations. Sadly, 58 percent of Americans don't have $400 in savings. Personal taxes for working folks are out of control, as they must pay extra for police, fire, schools, roads, etc., due to corporations not contributing anymore. At the end of the day, consumers are a must - and when consumers have empty pockets, the markets won't be far behind. The Feds can only keep the fluff going for so long. At some point, the piper must be paid. We believe that the stock market will crash a short time before the election. And it might be sooner! Now, we’re warning that this current parabolic upside price trend near the end of Q2 of 2020 could be a massive setup for one of the biggest revaluation events we’ve seen since 1999~2000 ,(the last big bubble). Our researchers believe a shift away from the global financial speculation that has driven a total global asset bubble over the past 8+ years will suddenly shift away from wild speculative euphoria and quickly transition into the realization phase of “uh oh, what have we done.” It is this point that we suddenly enter a financial distress phase where investors flee over-inflated assets to move into risk hedging strategies. Why do you think Gold has rallied to levels near $1800 over the past 4+ years? A certain segment of global investors has already had their “uh oh” moment. The US stock market has gone parabolic because a very unique set of circumstances have come together at this particular time in history. Now, we have to deal with the current and future phases of this cycle and prepare for what’s next. Protect your open long trades and/or take some profits out now. If our research is correct, we have already entered the Financial Distress phase. Q2: 2020 may be the catalyst event, and that is only a few days away. The Criminals that run the US don't want you to have any savings, food, home, health, security of even your Life! The Fed is stealing your buying power. This was The Atlantis Report. Please Like. Share. Leave me a comment. Subscribe. And please take some time to subscribe to my back up channels, I do upload videos there too. You'll find the links in the description box. You will also find a PayPal link if you want to make a donation. Thank you wholeheartedly to all those of you who have already donated. Stay safe and healthy friends! Since interest rates are so low, the only place to make any money is in the stock market. That's what driving the high multiples and the stock market bubble. People have the feeling that the Fed is not going to let the market fail, so they keep buying stocks. This is not good. The manipulation such as the rock bottom interest rates and QE Infinity by the Fed is propping up a market that should have fallen a long time ago. The $2.2 trillion welfare bill to corporations (oops, I mean stimulus) had everything to do with this stock market bubble. Taxpayers got 300 billion of that, but corporations got $1.9 trillion to buy their own stock and pay their CEOs bonuses. The Fed is propping up the stock market. The Fed bought the market. They are now buying stocks of companies to keep them solvent. This isn't good. We are now worse than the Weimar Republic. The market's disconnect from reality, coupled with its irrational exuberance, makes for a decline we have not seen since Herman Minsky's writing of the 1920s. Without Fed intervention, this market probably would have fallen to 5,000. The question is, how long will the Fed buy the market and at what cost. The market has become so divorced from reality that it has entered the realm of absurdity. How can anyone expect a meaningful profit when retail and manufacturing are operating at 25% capacity? Four million people are not paying their mortgages! That's just residential mortgages. The commercial is a whole other story. Consumers are broke. They owe 7% of every dollar earned over the next 20 years to debt payment. It's all bull, and if the virus keeps spiking, lookout. Right now, it's just a short squeeze. It is a toxic atmosphere. All of the fundamentals and natural market forces are thrown out the window. The fundamentals are gone. There is no reason to be optimistic about earning when we already know that businesses will be crippled for many months to come. Earnings for many quarters will be terrible, guaranteed. So that argument that things are already factored in and that the market is an indication of the future is completely bogus. Let's call it like it is. The Fed bought the market, and now you have investors being reckless because they think they can never lose because they will always be backed by the Fed. That's not capitalism at all. That's pure manipulation and speculation. It has nothing to do with market forces and fundamentals. It has everything to do with people being reckless and feeling extremely confident that they can't lose because they will always be backed by the Fed. It's like going to the high roller table at a Vegas casino, and no matter how much you lose, you keep getting credit from the casino and you keep getting comped (free luxury penthouse suite, free food, free drinks, free shows, free transportation, free everything) no matter what. And imagine that the gambler never has to pay the casino back because the credit keeps coming over and over again. You know what that is? That's artificial. That's unsustainable. It can't work in the long run. There always comes a time when everyone must pay. And eventually, we will pay. We will pay. It's only a matter of time before this market drops like a bag of potatoes. Large investors have been holding up the market, so all the useful idiots keep their cash invested there! When they suddenly pull out of a market where there are few companies doing well, and the rest are sloshing along with.Bye-bye market! And with 1/4 of your workforce out of work, the demand side of the economy is crippled, and companies will not hire until they are making money again. If you don’t see the inevitability of the coming collapse, just keep your head in the sand. The Stock Market is a Ponzi Scheme that only Exists to Fool Americans into thinking; All is well. When in fact, it's ALL Criminally Corrupt and about to FAIL, leaving them in a world of HURT with a Failed currency, no food, no safety net, no jobs, and a pandemic to deal with! All Thanks to the Criminals that destroyed the US Economy & Financial Systems by INTENT. Hell is waiting and getting nearer every hour. I think they are going to tank the market in October, just in time for the election. It is almost as if the US stock markets had been primed by Federal Reserve intervention over the previous 5+ years, and someone let the monster out of the cage. The deregulation, changes to tax structures, and general perception of market opportunity changed almost immediately after the November 2016 elections and really never looked back. The Federal Reserve was created as an illusion for the masses. The mega-wealthy men who created the FED realized they would soon own nearly everything of value, so a way was needed to create an illusion of perpetual prosperity for an ever-expanding population desiring ever-more resources. Thus, the FED created to print a never-ending source of imaginary money based on nothing so the masses could continue buying something. That's why it did not matter when the National Deficit hit 1 trillion dollars years ago, nor will it matter when it hits 100 trillion dollars in due course. How can there be actual debt on an imaginary construct? Of course, there are two separate monetary systems: sovereign and mass. We, the people, are all members of the mass. Our dollar debts are actual dollar debts that must be repaid. Not so with sovereign debt. The FED will print; however, much is needed to keep the illusion going. So The US politicians pass an AID BILL, which is to BAIL OUT the STOCK MARKET, with money from the FEDERAL RESERVE, which in reality, the FED is buying up the US while charging the money printed to the US. When a bank issues a mortgage, they charge you to use their money while they are the owner until the debt is paid. The US now owes 26 trillion dollars, But in reality, it is more like 125 trillion dollars, which leaves each taxpayer on the hook for $811,000. This U.S. National Debt consists of: debt held by the public. Intragovernmental holdings, including debt held by Social Security and Medicare trust funds. But it does not include total unfunded Social Security and Medicare promises. The FED was never intended to buy up anything other than the US government's debt. They are a Criminal PONZI Scheme which will FAIL and take DOWN the Entire US Economy with them. All by design. Welcome back to The Atlantis Report. You are here for your daily dose of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Please take a second to smash that like button. And as You know friends, google has demonetized this channel, so now I rely totally on your donations to keep this channel functional, as you know it takes a crazy amount of research and time to bring you this content on a daily basis, so I hope you consider helping with whatever donation you can afford. Thank You. Currently, the bonds are not paying anything meaningful, so the money is flowing into the stock market. Just raise interest rates and see how fast this bubble will burst. Shower wall street with money. The brokers. CEO's and board of directors and some insiders steal from everyone. Then when the market crashes, the taxpayers bail them. None of the criminals go to jail. The greatest country on earth.But only for the super-rich. Tax cuts for corporations allowed them to buy back stocks, which drove up the values and CEO compensation. In the meantime, many paid zero in federal taxes. Amazon is one example - whereby they profited 11 billion in both 2018 and 2019...without paying a dime in federal taxes. In the meantime, the Feds have been buying the risk repeatedly. And you can't leave out the Feds lowering interest rates four times in 12 months (January 2019-January 2020). Now the rates are nearly zero percent. When you can borrow money for next to nothing and pay no federal taxes, you're going to put that money somewhere - hence stock valuations. Sadly, 58 percent of Americans don't have $400 in savings. Personal taxes for working folks are out of control, as they must pay extra for police, fire, schools, roads, etc., due to corporations not contributing anymore. At the end of the day, consumers are a must - and when consumers have empty pockets, the markets won't be far behind. The Feds can only keep the fluff going for so long. At some point, the piper must be paid. We believe that the stock market will crash a short time before the election. And it might be sooner! Now, we’re warning that this current parabolic upside price trend near the end of Q2 of 2020 could be a massive setup for one of the biggest revaluation events we’ve seen since 1999~2000 ,(the last big bubble). Our researchers believe a shift away from the global financial speculation that has driven a total global asset bubble over the past 8+ years will suddenly shift away from wild speculative euphoria and quickly transition into the realization phase of “uh oh, what have we done.” It is this point that we suddenly enter a financial distress phase where investors flee over-inflated assets to move into risk hedging strategies. Why do you think Gold has rallied to levels near $1800 over the past 4+ years? A certain segment of global investors has already had their “uh oh” moment. The US stock market has gone parabolic because a very unique set of circumstances have come together at this particular time in history. Now, we have to deal with the current and future phases of this cycle and prepare for what’s next. Protect your open long trades and/or take some profits out now. If our research is correct, we have already entered the Financial Distress phase. Q2: 2020 may be the catalyst event, and that is only a few days away. The Criminals that run the US don't want you to have any savings, food, home, health, security of even your Life! The Fed is stealing your buying power. This was The Atlantis Report. Please Like. Share. Leave me a comment. Subscribe. And please take some time to subscribe to my back up channels, I do upload videos there too. You'll find the links in the description box. You will also find a PayPal link if you want to make a donation. Thank you wholeheartedly to all those of you who have already donated. Stay safe and healthy friends!
Jim Rogers is a bestselling author, financial commentator and successful international investor. Rogers was a co-founder of the Quantum Fund (considered to be the first truly international fund of its kind) and is the creator of the Rogers International Commodities Index (RICI).
Tuesday, June 16, 2020
👉The Fed's Final Solution Buying Corporate Junk Bonds !!
👉The Fed's Final Solution Buying Corporate Junk Bonds !!
The Federal Reserve announced it would begin purchasing individual corporate bonds as part of its emergency lending program to inject liquidity into the virus-stricken economy. And the stock market shot up on these news. Free market? What free market! The Fed basically promised to backstop every shitty credit company in America and zombify the US economy. The market is like a drug addict waiting for its next fix of stimulus, tax cut, or rate cut: private profits, and social losses. The FED has announced they will buy any stock that is down until it is well, not down. Thank you for your understanding. The FED believes All Accounts Matter (AAM) and nobody will be allowed to lose on the long side regardless of intellect or lack of effort. So a zombie corporation with flat or declining revenues can now sell its worthless bonds to the Fed, take the freshly created funny money and use it to back shares of its own stock, thus driving up the price. Of course, we all know the Fed isn't involved in goosing to the stock market. The government is buying corporate bonds with our tax money. Let that sink in a minute. The Fed, which according to Goldman Sachs and Citigroup leaks, has said it will do anything to keep the financial markets whole (even as real people suffer) is doing just that. They're buying bad debt from banks and Wall Street. Is anyone buying your debt as you figure out what to do during the pandemic. This is an oligarchy in plain view. Vote out their minions. The FED is bailing out CEOs and insiders. Fifty billion in direct corporate bond purchasing along with purchasing corporate bond ETF's. The Fed reserve is the only buyer of treasury bonds for the first time in history. And now we have unlimited Q.E. This is what happened in Japan in 1989. The Nikkei stock market has had a slow bleed for 30 years, and cut in half from hit's high in October 1989 It actually never recovered from its high in 1989. EVER!!! We're destined to repeat that mistake (no, humans do NOT learn from history). Many will lose their money and never get it back. I'm on the sidelines. I don't care if it takes a couple of years to crash, but make no mistake; we're clearly headed there. Of course, the Fed is the only one buying bonds. Who else would lay down billions in this environment, with all this risk, for 2-3%? Let me see if I have this right: 1. Instead of a direct taxpayer handout, the fed will buy any corporate junk bonds to keep them afloat just so long as it helps prop the stock market up. 2. The fed doesn’t set a “target” for the stock market but won’t let it find true value and also won’t let it rise too uncontrollably. 3. We’re supposed to believe this is still a free market. It is not surprising that markets will go up every day while the Fed buys up every debt. Accountability for companies is no more. I always wondered how the markets are up this much when last year we didn't have 40 million out of work and the Feds borrowing and printing daily! Yet markets go up every day with promises, lies, and no fundamentals. What happens when it starts heading down? It would be like an abandoned ship just sailing alone. It is going to be fun watching them jump ship when the bow turns downward. The Fed Shouldn't buy corporate bands at all. The Fed doesn't have any money; they are using money from the treasury. They're essentially stealing money from our children to prop up their broken system in the present and ensure those already wealthy remain so. This is going to end bad. Real bad! The system is allowing a company that filed for Chap 11 to issue new shares. That's how corrupt things are right now. Where is the oversight? This isn't part of the Fed's mandate! We're robbing the future generations to backstop the elite. It's criminal. What Fed is doing pumping stock market will result in Costco Toilet Paper more expensive than the US Dollar paper. The Fed is now like the crack the market can’t live without. Looks like the market won’t test the lows and continue to fly higher. It’s very plain and simple, no stimulus big drops while the main street begs for money, Wall Street is burping from taxpayers' money. It is ok for social security to collapse cheating Americans out of money they have paid in their whole life. But we have an endless supply of taxpayers money to buy corporate bonds. Just wait till they convert debt to equity. And the Government owns airlines, oil, manufacturing, retail dept stores, Atlas Shrugged. At the end of the day, the FED owns everything, and we have nothing left but the stock market. The FREE non-government controlled Stock Market. Or is this the Zimbabwe Stockmarket! Pump it up, Powell. The 1%'ers must remain happy. This is state-sponsored communism of capitalism. There are no free markets anymore, meaning it is not market but a forced bubble upwards by the Fed via Blackrock. It will end so badly for the US. The Costco Toilet Paper will be more expensive than the US Dollar paper. And there you go. This morning before anything opened, the DOW was down over 600 to 700 points due to... whatever you want to put in there. The FED steps up, pushes a button, imaginary money is 'printed,' and the markets are saved; again. SCAM. I wouldn't put a penny in there. Be careful, folks. This fake stock market is being held afloat by the fed pumping trillions of dollars and keeping interest rates at almost zero. This market is going to crash, and millions will lose their shirts. Only the insiders (aka congress) and big boyz will be safe. When the market crashes, you want a good back up plan—food and water for a start. The FED (our) money is the money used to make more money for the wealthy 1%..it is used to save the market from crushing and to win the elections. In the end, we will have bankrupt companies with record market values, low-value US Dollar, and the wealthy 1% even wealthier. The Fed is ruling peoples lives with their important interest rate decisions and money printing, yet still, people know so little about who they are, how they became so powerful, which banks own them, who are the majority owners of those banks, why the congress authorized them to print money in the past, which US presidents objected them, why no US institution could audit them except the congress but never done it! And the media don't help the people with these questions! Some claim it’s because the Fed owners own most of the media! There used to be 500 independent news companies in the 70s in the US, now there are only five big, which own everything. Welcome back to The Atlantis Report. You are here for your daily dose of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. The FED knew the market was about to absolutely meltdown again this week, so MORE PRINTING! One trick pony. A great economy would rebound strongly. It would just resume where it left off; it wouldn't need trillions of dollars to prop it up. It would be nice if the Fed could stay out of the market for more than one day. The Fed's bond-buying program looks good on the surface. However, this is why QE can create zombie companies. How do we know if those companies are the virus-stricken companies or the mismanagement-stricken companies way before the outbreak of the virus? I think the Fed should screen out irresponsible mismanaged companies. Let them go bankrupt. The Fed had better inject cash into other urgent places. If the Fed pours money into such zombie companies, we had better make all US companies state-run. As the Fed prints more money, it goes into assets such as stocks, bonds, and real estate. Those with capital get richer. Working-class people who depend on their labor and not on capital get poorer. Donald’s elite economy is not the economy of the middle-class American worker. This rewards speculators and destroys savers. We are all being forced to be rampant speculators, rather than prudent savers. Can this really end well? Like a hot potato that gets hotter with time, someone is going to get stuck holding it, and it is not going to be a pleasant ending for anyone, nor end well for the last in line. So retail sales were down a record of 17% in April, but the phony market was rallying huge because the crooked FED was buying ETFs tied to the S&P, Dow, and Nasdaq. What a CON GAME this is. So much for a free market economy. At least they're telling us they're doing it. I wonder how it is fair for a company that worked to preserve its capital, but now it doesn't get government help and the companies that were run poorly do? Yeah, it makes great sense. Just pay unemployment and let the chips fall how they do. That's the free market for you. Can't begin to imagine how much insiders are going to capitalize on this when they are tipped off on which stocks the fed is about to purchase. Anyone with half a brain knows it's already happening with the ETFs. I never want to hear again that we are a free-market economy, and the U.S. is not a socialist society. The market is moved by the Fed, not by the performance of the companies, and insider from the Fed makes all the money, this is totally illegal. I wonder how it's fair that the taxpayer has no say in which companies are helped and how much they are helped. It's the taxpayer's money! If ANYONE doubted for one minute that the central banks (which include the Fed) aren't in this together, this should help clarify the situation. The 1% all over the world are having an incredible weenie roast, and the rest of us are the weenies. I wonder if the Fed has taken into account the possibility of massive losses due to bankruptcy. The Fed can pump a year's worth of money into the system. Debt will NEVER replace sales. US companies will just go deeper and deeper into debt, as long as the Fed keeps the money flowing. Can't imagine how this is going to weigh on earnings for the next five years, if not longer. Surprised we didn't go to negative rates, like the Japanese. That didn't work either. The market will figure itself out on its own given the chance. Once intervention occurs, it gets worse and worse because there's no more mother of invention to bring on to create new jobs to replace the old ones the government is trying to protect. Federal "Reserve" bank creates reserves in the banking system - basically the authorization to lend money. This is essentially an increase in the money supply, and there is no theoretical limit to the amount they can create, but it is inflationary - more money into the same GDP implies it costs more for the same stuff. This flows through as either a systemically higher P/E ratio, if growth offsets the capital creation, or it's inflationary. Arguably, buying bonds removes them from the money supply pool, so it should be neutral, simply a shifting of capital infection from banks to brokers (not that they are terribly isolated/separate). Either way, it probably means a challenging market path to traverse. Hard to imagine this could be precisely managed. So much for the free market. I Can understand government intervention to stabilize markets suffering from some type of temporary anomaly. But I haven't heard of any currently associated with bond ETFs. There is no reason for the Fed to buy corporate bonds. This is just about keeping the market up. Let the market fall to where it should be, which is closer to the March lows than current levels. Will markets ever be able to wean off of government intervention? I am sick of hearing, "keeping the market up." I think They are doing A LOT MORE than just keeping it up; It's at All-time Highs area. This is Ridiculous! I keep hearing Powell say Feds are doing what they are doing to support markets so they can function. Why no reporter questions him on this and asks how they used to function BEFORE? There are instances in the past when markets corrected 20% or so. If it was a regular business cycle, then why is it different now? Is it that now the top 0.1% are holding the stocks and back then it was the middle class holding stocks. It is surely not because they want to protect jobs as nothing they have done so far has stopped job losses. Unfortunately, the Fed caves into the barking of the White House. Trump wants a rocket ship, and he will get what he wants. Then it will bomb. The Fed is doing more meddling in elections than the Russians could ever dream of. Seems to me that government intervention is like mixing two substances in a centrifuge. Once the government is in the mix, it will be tough to separate it from these ETFs Remember friends; corporations are people too! Taxpayers owe a big debt of gratitude to AT&T for the GOLDEN PARACHUTE for their retiring CEO. He certainly deserves a life pension of $247k/month. Something people fail to understand is that corporate bankruptcy rarely leads to lost jobs. We are literally using taxpayer $ to prop up high-risk investments and provide golden parachutes for the CEOs. The side effect is that we have a bunch of day traders handing out advice like they are Warren Buffet while the man himself sits on a stockpile of cash. How long until the US is in Japan's situation where Bank of Japan owns 85% or more of ETFs on their exchange? Look at the Nikkei chart in 1989; it was at 39K, it crashed 75% and then never recovered even now at 22K, because the Bank of Japan was doing what Fed is doing now; pumping the stock market. Japan went into zombie depression. The same will happen in the US. Americans will hate the Fed and the Government. The Fed will be abolished. People will be so poor. More bailing out the rich at the expense of the middle and lower classes. Everything our corrupt government does now is a bail-out to the rich. This is called maintaining the status quo. The government's job is to maintain the wealth of existing wealthy people at the cost of the middle class. Vote ALL the bums out. Democrats and Republicans alike. Find a 3rd party candidate and SEND A MESSAGE. The Government helping private companies; isn't that called SOCIALISM? This is Socialism at its finest! The Fed is state-sponsored communism of capitalism. The US economy is now a centrally managed bureaucracy. The FOMC is unconstitutional and needs to be abolished. The real United States exists in the majority of the lower and middle class. And right now, the majority are hurting. Great swathes of Americans are struggling, with any dream of prosperity a far off fantasy. And in the meantime, the people who need the LEAST amount of help; the powerful elite who will never worry about having a roof over their head, or where their next meal will come from, are being further enriched on the backs of every American who does have to worry. The word I have in mind is evil. This is pure, unadulterated evil playing out in front of us. I don't CARE where the money is coming from. Trillions upon trillions of support are being fired at the stock market to prop it up to give the illusion of a strong economy. Imagine if a PORTION of that were funneled into healthcare, education, poverty. This is evil. And those lucky enough to participate in this Fed-fueled rally are too blinded by greed to see or care. It's time to wake up and ask when did this country morph into something so grotesque? When did the free market die, and why did we let it happen? Why are we celebrating an elite few siphoning up all the wealth? In the coming years, the rally cry won't be against systemic racism. It will be against the concentration of money and power into the hands of the few. That is where the real battle lies. Now, if only the stock market was related to the average citizen. Unfortunately, this strong market is an indication of a lower standard of living for most citizens. Inflation is apparent to anyone who does their own shopping. A dollar doesn’t go as far, and most of us still aren’t getting raises equal to inflation. Eventually, they have to stop printing money, and putting it on the taxpayers, coupled with inflation or Wallstreet, will be a boom while the rest of us can’t pay the bills. This was The Atlantis Report. Please Like. Share. Subscribe. Leave me a comment. And please take some time to subscribe to my back up channels, I do upload videos there too. You'll find the links in the description box. You will also find a PayPal link if you want to make a donation. Thank you wholeheartedly to all those of you who have already donated. Stay safe and healthy friends!
Jim Rogers is a bestselling author, financial commentator and successful international investor. Rogers was a co-founder of the Quantum Fund (considered to be the first truly international fund of its kind) and is the creator of the Rogers International Commodities Index (RICI).
Monday, June 15, 2020
The Coming Pension Crisis will make the Pandemic look like a Party !!
The Coming Pension Crisis will make the Pandemic look like a Party !!
The US pension plans warned they would run out of money by 2028. At the moment, a number of US public pension plans have barely recovered - if at all from the 2008 financial crisis - now to be hit with the continuing economic fallout from the corona-crisis and domino effect of historic unemployment. An alarming report in the Financial Times warns that seven major public pension plans are due to depleting their assets by 2028. The retirement crisis will make the pandemic look like a party. So many, for whatever reason, have no savings at all. They will vote to be helped. The Medicare trust fund will run dry as early as 2023. Payroll taxes and premiums will go up, while benefits will go down, or some combination of that. Social Security will use up the trust fund by 2034. The national debt is projected to be 50 trillion by 2030. We'll have to print more money, meaning inflation. No politician has even pretended to address these hot potatoes. I'm not saying it will all play out this way, but it is undeniable we will have many, many, many millions of seniors that will not be able to provide for themselves. Almost a third of Americans say they may never retire because of coronavirus hardships. This country is in for a bigger crisis, with so many Americans having zero savings and getting older. The Social Security issue MUST be dealt with NOW too. It's due to run dry soon. The Covid-19 pandemic has crippled economies all around the world. From healthcare disasters to black swan financial events, it has been quite some time since the future has seemed so bleak. The politicization of the virus is the problem. And all meant to destroy the economy. According to a story originally published by CNBC, this widespread financial strife has caused more than one in four Americans to raid their retirement savings. "40% of Americans Have Less than $1k" and "75% of Boomers Have Less than $10K for Retirement" and "Boomers STILL Carry More Debt than Investment and Savings. Only about 10% of the working population has ANY savings to speak of. This is the only generation less prepared for retirement than they were even two years ago. A 2018 study by Northwestern Mutual reported about 1/3 of people nearing retirement had less than $5,000 saved for retirement. As a society, we are not generally well prepared for old age or retirement. Yes, some people grew up with smart money parents, others did not, so we had to learn on our own. Teaching money management and financial investing, a good budget, etc. is absolutely necessary. These are survival skills that an educated society should provide their citizens....don't leave it up to chance or we will pay the consequence. ALL Americans will retire. It just depends if it fits on your terms or not. At a certain point, after being let go and unable to find another job, you are retired. If you're self-employed, you can work as you want. Some folks go till they drop. If the pandemic accelerates, "retirement " will come with an oblong box or cremation. You may plan to never retire, but believe me, you will for one reason or another. Start saving money, cut the cable bill, the telephone bill, the vacations. Don't buy an expensive car. Believe me, you will retire someday due to health issues or just because your employer wants a worker who is younger, healthier, and will accept less money than you. A lot of people will likely be forced to retire. A lot of jobs will not come back, and when they do, you can bet older workers will be the last hired. Corporate America has no need for you past age 60. Many of the 55 - 60 years old are being forced into retirement early because of the virus. They have been laid off with no chance of being rehired. They don't show up on the unemployment numbers, but they are here. The unemployment figures are false and much worse than indicated. By 50 years old, you should be prepared for retirement. I can't believe how many people think they can start saving for retirement "later." "Later" is promised to no one, stupid not to start immediately. Besides, wealth is a function of time and money, more time, less money, less time, much more money (contributions). Time marches relentlessly on, it can either be your friend or your worst enemy. I know many folks 50 and up that were laid off during the great recession, never to have found a decent paying job again, and the same is going to happen again now. Then you've got a significant chance of becoming disabled due to illness or injury. Maybe your body just gives out you can no longer do your physical job any longer. If you've waited, it's too late now. If you want to talk presumptuous, it's assuming you can save "later." THE PROBLEM IS NOT THE VIRUS BUT MONEY MANAGEMENT. IF ONE IS NOT TAUGHT AS A CHILD TO RESPECT MONEY, THEY WILL BE AND STAY POOR. If one event can ruin your retirement, then you didn't plan very well to begin with. The simple truth is 45 years is either a lot of years of good decision making or a lot of years of poor decision making. There's going to be a huge spread between the 65+ haves and have nots. It seems each new generation becomes lazier than the previous one. They want more entitlements, but they're less productive. The newest working people, those just graduating from college, got a good lesson of what living paycheck-to-paycheck will do. Hopefully, they will understand not having a subscription or two, having the newest smartphone to order your coffee and leasing the BMW isn't so important if you have zero savings of some kind. If you are working and unable to save at the very least 10% of your pay, then you are spending too much. Or you're not making enough. Saving is not a hard concept. Savings takes self-discipline. The key was (still is) don't spend a lot of money on depreciating assets like cars and clothes. You gotta live within your means and save for the rough times. People were crying the second week out of work with no paycheck. These people are obviously doing something wrong! If 2-3 months laid off, and possibly making more in unemployment/stimulus money has ruined your retirement, you were already a financial wreck before coronavirus. Simple rules: 1) Live below your means - not just within your means. 2) Purchase items used if possible, such as a car. I only purchase used cars and keep them for 5-7 years. I do purchase new cell phones, but I keep those around three years on average. 3) Have at least three months of emergency funds. More is better, but three should be the minimum. 4) Invest early and often. 5) As you get older - and closer to retirement - slowly switch a percentage (40-60% depending upon your specific circumstances) to more secure investments. 6) Take on as little debt as possible. I do not know what my credit card rates are as I always treat them like cash and pay them in full each month. I only take on debt if it makes sense financially. Regardless of your income, it is possible to prepare for emergencies and invest in retirement. It simply requires discipline to do so. Should have had some emergency savings in place to sustain you for a few months WHEN the economy goes south. If you're holding a nice smartphone, drive a nice car, and live in a house you couldn't afford, then you only have yourself to blame for having to work until you drop dead. Live within your means, plan for the future, and don't count on somebody else to come along and support you, because they (probably) won't. If you are having trouble making ends meet, here are a few tips. -Cancel unnecessary subscriptions, cable TV, Netflix, prime, etc... -Shop around to save on monthly services like insurance, phone, internet, etc... -Buy second-hand items whenever possible: cars, furniture, clothing, cell phones, etc... -Buy the lowest-cost, smallest house that meets your needs (not your wants). -Cut out unnecessary spending on restaurants, coffee shops, etc. Make your own meals, do the brown-bag lunch thing -Don't spend a lot on gifts. Make your gifts. It's lower-cost and more meaningful. -Don't do stupid stuff. -Shop around for a better paying job. Compare total compensation, including wage/salary, 401k contribution, HSA, health insurance. don't include BS benefits like pet insurance, free massages, or other things you don't need. -Don't buy pet insurance or spend a lot at the vet. What this virus has exposed is the lack of an emergency savings account and basic financial planning. And stagnant wage growth for the last decade has not played a role! When a person has no cushion, Covid-19 doesn't make much of a difference. Boomers do have one advantage, though. Our parents grew up during the Great Depression, so the idea of savings was drummed into us during our childhood. It doesn't mean every boomer learned, but many did. Welcome back to The Atlantis Report. You are here for your daily dose of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. The pandemic did not create the "retirement crisis," it has been there all along. And the Federal Reserve Bank is not helping millions of retirees being made complete fools of with money in banks and credit unions at around .01 percent interest. They are being robbed by the Fed to pump up Wall Street speculation into the latest balloon. This is not going to end well. If the "Fed" stumbles and falls, which I think that it will, the wealthy will just run away from the Hindenburg Finance Disaster and just create another scheme, probably "digital" this time. Hardly anyone "saves" what the privately-owned Federal Reserve Bank can just create more on in minutes on computers or taking a while longer, printing up debt "notes." Most of us, myself included, will get badly hurt if this grand scheme of paper and computer digits crashes someday. The money given away by the government this year will reduce the value of your retirement savings by 20%; REAL inflation is that huge. The weak financial condition of seven US public pension plans threatens to deplete their assets by 2028, leading to severe risks for the living standards of thousands of American employees and retired workers. Many US public pension plans had not fully recovered from the 2007/08 financial crisis. As many companies work to regain their financial footing in the midst of continuing economic uncertainty caused by the coronavirus pandemic, a retiring worker’s decision to take either a lump sum or lifetime payments from their pension could boil down to one factor. Whether they think the employer will be able to meet its long-term commitments. There are over 5 trillion dollars in 401k's, and you can bet the government is absolutely salivating over the possibility of taxing it or even confiscating it "for the greater good. Using 401k law to fund retirement has always been perilous. While the current stock market drop is understandable, many market swings seem baseless, and the result of both can and do ruin retirement plans with no fault of the retiree. There should be a law that companies must contribute to a funded retirement plan run by the Federal Government. In most developed countries, something along this line is done, and since all those countries and companies within those countries figure out a way to be competitive, we should be able to figure it out also. Last, the law must include a provision that the Government cannot use the funds for any reason other than to disperse retirement money. People have spent 40-50 years applying themselves. At what point do they deserve to start living? They gave their best years to this country, and in return, it spat in their lap. The elderly should be taken better care of in this country. They spent their entire lives working for corporate America. It's time for Corporate America to pay them the thanks that they deserved. That pitiful living wage during their best years is not enough. A lot of working people don't realize how much of a burden debt is as it's become a way of life. Maybe this pandemic will make us realize that just because we want something, it doesn't mean we have to get it. Freedom from financial stress is what we should aim for. Let's be clear. Not only were Americans not financially prepared for a pandemic, but Corporate America wasn't either. How many businesses, both big and small, are shuttering their doors. Businesses couldn't afford to keep paying employees, rents, etc. any more than the average American could keep paying for their basic expenses either. I hope the finger-pointing and BAD CREDIT judgments get reined in. Being a consumer-oriented society, we have been pushed to the limits to spend. A capitalist nation depends on the consumer to spend and spend more. However, recently, due to the ongoing lack of confidence in our economy, many people have turned to save instead of buying for buying's sake. This has sounded alarms in corporate boardrooms. Their goal is to get spending back on track. Larry Kudlow mentioned that the retail sales numbers would be great for May. But, he failed to include that much of that spending was done with stimulus checks. He also didn't state that credit card spending was also up. People are resorting to Credit Cards instead of cash savings. What happened when the stimulus ends and credit cards get maxed out? The pandemic brought an important lesson home to everyone. It has taught us that anything can and will happen and not always good. You plan a budget, then try to stick to it, set aside some money for emergencies, and prepare for the future. Generation X's have a long time to retirement, so they have time to recover from the downturn in the employment market. It will be slow at first. I think we'll be told one day to thank God our president is saving the economy by issuing new, strong money. We'll be told our non-patriotic old money will not be good after a certain date or after a bank holiday. At that point, if it happens, spend ALL your old money on food. After that, I can't tell you. Good luck! Save money. Money talks during a disaster, including finances. Most people put way too much faith in the stock market. Quick gains also open you to quick losses. Buy gold, Silver. Stay away from this market for now. Just wait for the burning smell of speculators to get a sniff of what is heading our way. Markets are way overvalued and will see a massive fall. There is no justification for stock prices when the entire nation is still suffering from this Virus. It is not going away because Trump says so. We haven't seen anything yet until the fall, which is only 16 weeks away. This virus will haunt us again worse in the fall. The FED response has been almost criminal yet continues to persist. I think we may finally be at the breaking point of this fiscal policy since too many people are using it to speculate on values going up no matter what based on FED support, which has created an enormous bubble that can only be addressed by either reducing support, or a massive collapse. A 2nd wave is guaranteed here in the states. The second wave of virus + Riots = stock market's doom. This was The Atlantis Report. Please Like. Share. Subscribe. Leave me a comment. And please take some time to subscribe to my back up channels, I do upload videos there too. You'll find the links in the description box. You will also find a PayPal link if you want to make a donation. Thank you wholeheartedly to all those of you who have already donated. Stay safe and healthy friends!
Jim Rogers is a bestselling author, financial commentator and successful international investor. Rogers was a co-founder of the Quantum Fund (considered to be the first truly international fund of its kind) and is the creator of the Rogers International Commodities Index (RICI).